What’s been being built
If you’ve been following along with this, you might have seen what seems to be a pause. I wanted to give everyone a brief update on what has been going on.
The pause in communicate was because unfortunately, I was a little sick for about 2 weeks. Yuck! I know.
While I’ve been feeling better, my voice has not been what I hoped to get some recordings completed. However, if you look through the other parts of the website, you will know I’ve been adding content to the website.
Adding content is important to the goals of this project, even if it isn’t a direct part. Why? Well, I want to show one of the ways you get customers. That is through the process of people finding you online. So I’ve been building content to compete with others in this space. It takes time to do, and I’ve added about a half dozen articles over the last week or so while I’ve been waiting for my voice to recover.
The articles are to build search traffic, which I’ll be talking about in a video coming up, so stay tuned for that.
In the mean time, I’ve gotten some of my voice back, so I’ve been able to record some more videos about the process. You’ll get a chance to see things that have already been happening, which is really exciting for me, and I hope for you as well.
So keep watching this space for more information coming up.