What don’t your managers know?

If you’re relying on your managers alone to determine your star employees… what are you missing out on?

Managers only know so much. Get more information from the whole, and find your hidden gems.

Interested in having a ready made 360 Review Program for your department, or even whole organization? Fill out this form to be kept in the loop.

How effective are your managers?


Does the manager know what they need to know to effectively lead their team?


Does the manager effectively communicate with their team?


Does the manager provide effective and timely feedback to their employees?


Is the manager open to new ideas?

What do Employees think of one another?

Who helps?

Who is the one who helps your employees carry the load?

Who gets in the way?

We all want everyone to help, but sometimes people are getting in they way?


Who’s the one who knows how to get things done?

Who needs more assistance?

Sometimes a little bit of training is all one needs. How do you make sure the right person gets what is necessary to be successful?

Interested in having a ready made 360 Review Program for your department, or even whole organization? Fill out this form to be kept in the loop.